Veterinary Topics


As a rule, only certain lizards are good for beginners. Many species have fairly complex care requirements for heating, lighting and diet. Some are quite delicate and difficult to care for, and others get quite large and aggressive. There are a few species that are quite hardy and easy to tame and others that are not. Here, we cover a few of the more hardy species you can consider.

Bearded Dragons

Bearded Dragons

Bearded dragons are generally docile, and their aggressive displays are rarely seen in captivity. It is reported that even wild bearded dragons will sometimes allow themselves to be picked up…
Blue Tongued Skinks

Blue Tongued Skinks

Blue tongued skinks are quite and gentle, and quite easily tamed and handled. It is reported that even wild blue tongued skinks will sometimes allow themselves to be picked up…
Green Anoles

Green Anoles

Species: Anolis carolinensis. Sometimes also called American chameleons, although they are not true chameleons. They can do a color change from green to brown, especially when stressed. Quite readily available in…
Leopard Geckos

Leopard Geckos

The scientific name for leopard gekos is Eublepharis Macularius. They may live 20 or more years and grow to be approximately 8-10 inches long. Their common coloring is yellow and…